Thursday, March 18, 2010

Searching for...

a backpack for my netbook while I wait for lunch at Denny's.

I can't find one local so I guess I'm going to have to order one online. I hate not being able to just go into a store and pick one up... you would think that would be pretty easy to do living in Miami but I find that more and more often I have to send away for things.

Best Buy: no
Target: no
Staples: no
Radio Shack: no

Going to check Office Depot and Office Max next.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Last published July 7th 2009...

Ok... it's official... I am not a blogger.

If I haven't added anything to this blog since July then I guess I have nothing to say... ever... about anything.

Though mostly I guess it's because when I DO have something to say I say it on facebook...

So let's blame facebook. It is facebook's fault that I am not a blogger.
